Regulations under the PCT

Rule 40

Lack of Unity of Invention (International Search)

40.1       Invitation to Pay

        The invitation to pay additional fees provided for in Article 17(3)(a) shall specify the reasons for which the international application is not considered as complying with the requirement of unity of invention and shall indicate the amount to be paid.

40.2       Additional Fees

The amount of the additional fee due for searching under Article 17(3)(a) shall be determined by the competent International Searching Authority.
The additional fee due for searching under Article 17(3)(a) shall be payable direct to the International Searching Authority.
Any applicant may pay the additional fee under protest, that is, accompanied by a reasoned statement to the effect that the international application complies with the requirement of unity of invention or that the amount of the required additional fee is excessive. Such protest shall be examined by a three-member board or other special instance of the International Searching Authority or any competent higher authority, which, to the extent that it finds the protest justified, shall order the total or partial reimbursement to the applicant of the additional fee. On the request of the applicant, the text of both the protest and the decision thereon shall be notified to the designated Offices together with the international search report. The applicant shall submit any translation thereof with the furnishing of the translation of the international application required under Article 22.
The three-member board, special instance or competent higher authority, referred to in paragraph (c), shall not comprise any person who made the decision which is the subject of the protest.
Where the applicant has, under paragraph (c), paid an additional fee under protest, the International Searching Authority may, after a prior review of the justification for the invitation to pay an additional fee, require that the applicant pay a fee for the examination of the protest ("protest fee"). The protest fee shall be paid within one month from the date of the notification to the applicant of the result of the review. If the protest fee is not so paid, the protest shall be considered withdrawn. The protest fee shall be refunded to the applicant where the three-member board, special instance or higher authority referred to in paragraph (c) finds that the protest was entirely justified.

40.3       Time Limit

        The time limit provided for in Article 17(3)(a) shall be fixed, in each case, according to the circumstances of the case, by the International Searching Authority; it shall not be shorter than 15 or 30 days, respectively, depending on whether the applicant's address is in the same country as or in a different country from that in which the International Searching Authority is located, and it shall not be longer than 45 days, from the date of the invitation.

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